This article series is a part of a larger initiative by CERN & Society Foundation to inspire young girls and women in STEM careers and help aspiring scientists push existing boundaries. Our Women in STEM campaign aims to reduce the gap between dreaming and achieving fulfilling careers in science.
My name is Dorcas Mulaye-Mulilanduba, a 28-year-old female from Zambia. I recently completed my Master of Science in Physics at the University of Zambia. I am married and have one adorable baby boy. I am a student mentor at Junior and Senior mentorship network in Zambia and was a summer student at CERN this year.

It is interesting how I got here because, growing up I always saw myself pursuing a medical career. When I started my bachelor’s degree, my friend told me about Physics, its growing applications and various awesome discoveries that kept advancing how we interacted with the world around us. I was even more fascinated by the idea of women who worked as physicists at CERN and was left in awe with child-like admiration. I wasted no time applying to a Bachelor of Science in Physics program the following day. My purpose of pursuing Physics was for me to one day be like those women my friend told me about, and that one day I would go to CERN and NASA.
Pursuing the course was one of the most challenging endeavours I ever faced because most people did not know and understand what Physics was or its applications. My mom was not the biggest fan of my new pursuits, and some of my siblings and friends were sure the highest thing I would ever achieve was to be a Physics Teacher - one of the lowest paying jobs in Zambia according to them since they had no idea who a Physicist was. After I completed my bachelor’s degree, I went in search of a job and submitted my application to a well-established company. The human resource manager shook her head and looked straight into my eyes before she told me the most heart-breaking words: “But there is no job for such a career, why don’t you just go and teach at a secondary school instead.” The application documents made it back home with me. This was the beginning of my drive to pursue further studies.
I started my Master of Science in Physics program with the same university, and I joined the Junior and Senior Mentorship Network in Zambia as a mentor and took part in outreach programs. I was a part of the team creating awareness on STEM careers, with my main area being Physics.

One of the reasons I was so involved was that for me, female role models were very few. I am hoping for a time when we will have a higher number of women in STEM. My newly found role model is Dr Ilaria Luise, a senior research fellow at CERN. After looking up her citations, I was instantly challenged to work on myself every day.
Having been selected and made it to CERN as a summer student is a dream come true! I have made it!
The goal I wanted to achieve by studying Physics at undergraduate level has come to life! I am exactly where I dreamed of being 8 years ago. Indeed, CERN is even more than I ever imagined. It is a wonder – from the scenery, environment and housing to the beautiful support, intercultural diversity, and amazing people!
The out-of-this world innovations and talented people united to tackle research from different fronts make CERN not only a top-tier institution, but an experience to live and tell.
My hope for the future is to pursue my PhD at CERN or another exceptional institution and live my dreams while expanding my STEM mentoring network. I would like to start a mentoring organisation where an exposure and awareness of STEM careers are the core objectives. This comes from a deep realisation that there is a huge lack of exposure to careers in science, especially among young girls.
Dear Young Lady,
Do not get discouraged. Go ahead and pursue your passion for a career in STEM. Hearsay should not prevent you from getting to your goals. Believe me, I have lived that path. I know how uncertain it seems sometimes, but there will always be a place for you in this field. Keep working hard. Apply for opportunities and don’t be afraid to try. I dreamt and 8 years later I lived my dream.